Raw Artistic Productions writes, “After many years of excessive searching for the dream congas of my life, I can now say I have finally found them:
Say hello to my Manito Percussion solid shell „Spalted Poplar“ tumbadoras, matched set, made from the same tree.
Each drum begins as a solid log and is painstakingly hollowed and turned on Manito´s custom built conga lathe. Spalting is the process of naturally coloring the wood using certain fungi and is accomplished here in our shop. The inlays are made of natural turquoise, lapis lazuli and magnesite stone.
This set is built to be tonally matched to sing together and the internal geometry of each drum is individually designed to bring out the best possible tones from the drums. The amber Middle Eastern steer skins have been meticulously chosen to match the harmonics of the shells and to create a symbiosis of sound across the entire set.
Much love goes out to Ryan “Manito” Wendel who built these exceptional unique instruments, a true soul brother who inspired me with his endless passion for handmade drums.
I highly recommend these wonderful instruments to all Congueros, true masterpieces of craftsmanship. Sure they are high priced, but: “Quality exists when the price is long forgotten”.
Dreams do come true as long as you keep dreaming.”