You get what you pay for!
I hear this all the time. “I bought these new very inexpensive natural skin heads on eBay or Amazon, and they broke after a week.” I always try to find out as much as possible about the failure. Is the seller reputable? What type of skin is it? How thick is the skin? How much tension was on the skin when it failed? What sort of environment were the drums in when the skin failed? Often, they neither knew what type of skin they were buying, nor the thickness. Most failures occurred due to a very thin skin under high tension in a very dry environment.
We do the work for you. Longstanding relationships with our suppliers allow us to offer very high quality skins and the proper thickness relative to drum size. Any skins with defects are rejected. We use a long reach digital caliper to measure thickness. We also send the same tool to each of our suppliers, so everyone is on the same page.
Whether you are getting a flat skin to mount yourself or a PreMounted head, you can rest assured that you will get the highest quality and craftsmanship every time. In addition, our flat skins and PreMounted heads carry a 60-day warranty.